An Effective and Economical Alternative

For safety professionals who need effective and economical special hazard fire protection, Stat-X aerosol technology delivers up to 35% savings in equipment and lifecycle costs compared to traditional systems. This is due to lower initial expense plus minimal ongoing service costs.

  • Exceptional ability to suppress heat
    • Non-Toxic & Naturally buoyant
    • Shelf life of more than 15 years
    • Leaves no residue
    • No venting or ceiling tile clips for discharge forces, distribution piping, manifold, or nozzles

Stat-X aerosol technology is different:

  1. NO distribution piping, manifold, or nozzles
  2. NO floor space requirement or shoring up for weight
  3. NO special handling for compressed gas cylinders
  4. NO venting or ceiling tile clips for discharge forces
  5. NO solenoid actuators, control heads, or hoses
  6. NO water drains or pipe freeze protection
  7. NO system pressurization or room integrity tests

Stat-X First Responder

Lightweight and compact fire extinguishing system
• Rapid suppression capabilities in enclosed spaces
• Pull-Pin & Toss mechanism, with a delay timer of 4s
• Shelf-life of over 15 years
• Ability to eliminate contributing factors of flashovers


Stat-X (Electrical Unit)

• Minimal post-fire downtime
• Ceiling mount option
• Easy configuration for changes in the area of coverage
•Shelf life of over 15 years
• Compact design- up to a 90% reduction in space and weight

Stat-X (Thermal Unit)

  • Minimal post-fire downtime
    • Capable of protecting the source directly
    • Easy configuration for changes in the area of coverage
    •Shelf life of over 15 years
    • Can be operated manually through a cable pull station